consumer electronics giant Hitachi has created a RFID "powder" that is 0.05 x 0.05 mm. you can see in the picture how they compare to a strand of hair. these little chips have a 128-bit ROM, which can store a 38-digit number. and, most likely, this number can be read with some sort of RFID scanner. probably not from too far away, who knows... the original source is in Japanese anyway.
a tag of this size could be used to track anything basically. they made a version of this before which was 9times larger (0.4 x 0.4 mm) called Mu-chips. probably good for paper, printer ink, currency, or even a food-additive. LOL
anyways, it seems that the government of Malaysia has bought the rights to it. i'm sure they'll find some fun use for it.
oh yea, the Mu-chips work @ 2.5GHz if you want to go hunting. dunno what the new ones work @.