Thursday, December 14, 2006

beware: high security area

more proof of our falsely-secured nation.

a recent government report lets us know, that in these times of high-terror risk, that some people can still slip into the country unnoticed. according to the report, in 2005, the US immigration authorities either "lost" or couldn't account for 111,000 people that entered the country.

not that it really matters, as it is just another excuse for National ID cards, immigration reform, no borders, more borders... whatever.

but good thing we gotta pay for a giant wall in the southwest to keep 'em out!

link: 111,000 Immigration Files Lost

Saturday, December 2, 2006

now THIS is fucked up. what fun!

apparently, cell phone companies can place software on your phone, without you knowing, that will activate and transmit your microphone! 'they' can listen in whenever the fuck they want.

this is done by using the auto-update feature of some newer phones (nextel, razr). when it updates, they flash the bug onto your phone and make you a walking microphone for The Man.

this was recently done, with reasonable evidence, to convict some criminal.

but now we know that it does and can happen.
privacy and unlawful search are the issues here. i just realized the other day of the widespread proliferation of video cameras and microphones in today's toys. maybe all the talk of implants and RFID and other tracking methods of the sort are a sort of distraction to the real threat:

cellular phones.

They can already record all communications and pinpoint your location with your phone.
now They show us that They can possibly stream & record audio/video from your phone at anytime without your knowledge.
all that seems to be missing is using your phone as money. i'm sure this goes on somewhere in the world, but i'm too lazy to search for it.

have a nice night!

link: article

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

not that anyone reads this...

...besides those who read all!!1!!!

i have been researching non-stop basically... i guess i could add a few nuggets.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Yahoo Gave Search Data To Bush Administration Lawyers

in other news, Yahoo! bent right over and gave up their info to the government. it is concerning child porn, which i don't think is legal anywhere on this planet, but there is still a slight sting from a broad sweep like this. it's not exactly a warrant.

"Yahoo Inc. on Thursday acknowledged handing over search data requested in a subpoena from the Bush administration, which is hoping to use the information to revive an anti-porn law"

read more | digg story

Feds want Google search records

The Bush administration on Wednesday asked a federal judge to order Google Inc. to turn over a broad range of material from its closely guarded databases...Nicole Wong, an associate general counsel for Google, said the company will fight the government's effort ``vigorously.''

google almost suprises me with this. on one hand, they know everything that is on the internet, and who else would love that besides a government agency. on the other hand, the constitutional right to search.

read more | digg story

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

DMOZ's ODP with it's sites sorted by color

this is a project of mine whose goal is to see the true color of the internet. as of now it shows each category/sub-category's sites' thumbshots, arranged from light to dark.
a sample of what this script can do, can also be found @ - which was done w/ about 5,000 of the personal webpages in ODP.

read more | digg story