Saturday, December 31, 2005

"go tag yourself !"

i've recently stumbled upon this site that gives you instructions on how to give yourself an RFID implant! there seems to be a few geeks out there doing this. that's cool. here is the demonstration and shopping list. you too can be RFID'd for only ~$105.49. claims to be usefull for computer security. anyone thinking about doing this should be aware that there are tags that can monitor your pulse, temperature, send GPS data, as well as temporarily paralyze you, among god knows what other things.
see: Digital Angel

Saturday, December 10, 2005

"i can see my house from here!"

not google this time, but microsoft.
they just released their version of Google Earth on Windows Live Local.

what's Great about this product is that it is pictures of land taken by planes. you can zoom in on "your house" and also rotate 45degrees. from the north, the south, the east, and the west.

nice little angled shots.

related posts: THC_HELL:look-earth-for-free